When other holiday homes feel like a lot of work, try one that feels like a holiday. Whether you’re looking for a beach bungalow, an A-frame in the mountains or a place in town, Stayz & Bookabach are a more relaxing holiday home option, from booking to check-out.
- SEARCH for private places to stay in 190+ countries
- PLAN and collaborate with your people using Trip Planner and group chat
- USE FLEX DATES to help you compare booking options and prices across multiple dates
- GET LONG-STAY DISCOUNTS on selected holiday homes
- BOOK securely from your phone or tablet
- GET 24/7 SUPPORT from a real person for any issues that come up
- TRAVEL anywhere and share trip details with your group
• Browse private holiday homes complete with pools, backyards and more.
• Find unique homes not listed on other platforms.
• Filter by preference: price, location, amenities and more.
• See property photos and reviews at a glance.
• Have questions about a property? Get quick answers from our Virtual Assistant.
• Tap the heart icon to save and compare your favourite homes easily.
• Invite friends and family to join your Trip Planner.
• Leave comments and vote for your favourite places.
• Keep your trip conversations in one place and chat with your group in real time from anywhere.
• Easily compare prices and booking options across multiple dates.
• Search for properties within days, weeks or a range of months.
• Earn discounts on longer stays at participating properties.
• Choose from a wide range of holiday homes and save 10% on selected properties with extended bookings.
• Have questions about your booking? Message the host to ask about the property.
• Book and pay securely in the Stayz & Bookabach app with your credit card.
•Any issues? Contact our 24/7 customer service team.
• Connect with a live person any time before, during and after your trip.
• Reach a real person in about a minute, by phone or chat (US only).
• Quickly access important booking details like check-in instructions, WiFi passwords and arrival information, even when offline.
• Share important trip details with your people by inviting them to your trip.
• Access your conversations and message homeowners from your device anytime.
Note: currency in the property listings is displayed as AUD in the Stayz app and NZD in the Bookabach app unless otherwise noted.